Page 23 - 8_vip_ingilizce_soru
P. 23


                       TEST 4                       2  What cannot you understand from the
                         CEVAPLI                      passage?
                                                      A)  Only whales can use body languages
           Answer the questions (1-2) according to       to express their feelings.
           the passage below.
                                                      B)  To  communicate  with  each  other  is
                                                         really important for people.
                                                      C)  Whales use sounds mostly because it
                               Communication  is         travels faster in the sea.
                               one  of  the  most     D)  Animals  also  need  to  communicate
                               important   things        with each other to survive.
                               for  human  beings.
                               However,  we  are
                               not  the  only  living
           things who need to communicate or who can
           communicate.   Most    animals   can   YAYINEVİ
           communicate  as  well.  Some  animals  can
           send  signals  if  they’re  in  danger.  Some
           animals  can  also  use  body  languages  to
           explain their feelings. However, whales have
           unique  abilities  to  communicate  with  each
           other.  They  can  sing,  create  sounds,  use
           body  languages  and  use  high  frequency
           whistles. They  mostly  use  sounds  because
           the sound travels faster in the water than on
           the  land.  Even  if  you  hear  their  whistles,
           unfortunately  we  know  little  what  they’re
           trying to say.                           3  Samantha: Hello, it’s Samantha.

                                                      William: Hello Samantha. How is it going?
                                                      Samantha: I can’t hear you well.  ……… ?
           1  What is the best title of the passage   William: What’s up?
                                                      Samantha:  Oh,  pretty  good.  What  about
             A)  One  of  The  Endangered  Animals:   you, William?
                Whales                                Choose the best option that completes
             B)  How Do People Communicate?           the phone conversation.
                                                      A)  Would you like to leave a message
             C)  The Ways How Animals Communicate
                with Each Other                       B)  Can you call back later

             D)  Interesting  Ways  of  Communication   C)  Could you please hang up the phone
                Whales Use                            D)  Can you repeat that please
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